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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Stem cells

Stem cells are unspecialized cells in the body. Stem cells are resently being concidered as a way to cure many diseases like: Huntington's disease, diabetes, and muscular dystrophy. Stem cells can be taking from embryos, adults, imblicial cord and blood. The most common though are embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells.

Currently embryonic stem cells are being called the most effective, but it poses many ethical concerns. The pros of embryonic stem cells are that all the embryos left over and not being used can be used to help people with these currently uncurable diseases. The cons of embryonic stem cells are that it kills the embryo, dying it the right to become a person like you and me. But this is hard to decide, since some people can't decide when an embryo is actually living. Some people call it murder others, simply don't see a problem with it because they do not believe that the embryo is living yet.

Everyones opinion is different. Though many people believe that embryonic stem cell research is wrong, there has been many successful trials of using stem cells. One example are the researchers from univeristy of texas medical branch at Galveston. They have used embryonic stem cells to help repair lungs in rats. It has been successful, but it has not been used in humans yet. using embryonic stem cells could help cure those with severe lung disorders such as cystic fibrosis or cronic obstructive pulomary disease.

But for those who are against embryonic stem cell research, but still want to help cure those diseases, there is a second option. Adult stem cell research, these are stem cells taken from an adult. These is less controversal because using adult stem cells do not kill the adult. Adult stem cells seem to be a little harder to get though, but here also have been success using them. Adult stem cells have been able to be used to help cure some cancers, such as brain tumors, ovarian cancer, and leukemia. They have also been used to help cure immune diseases, stroke, anemia and heart disease.

Now that we know that both embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells are both effective at curing diseases, all there is to think about is whether we believe in using embryonic stem cells or not. Maybe researchers can find was to make stem cells from the imbilical cord or blood to work, or maybe they can find new sources of stem cells. Ether way we already have too successful ways of doing this.

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